'Back taking on some tough subjects including Why people fail to stay on track, how you can avoid losing motivation & why \"everyone is on steroids\" mentality is destroying the Fitness Industry! LISTEN TO THIS EPISODE HERE: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/crewcast/id1285547324?mt=2 Soundcloud: http://www.soundcloud.com/lex-boombaby-griffin LIKE & SUBSCRIBE HERE: http://bit.ly/Sub2LexFitness WATCH MY TOP PLAYLIST HERE!: http://bit.ly/LexFitnessTopPlaylist INTERACT WITH ME HERE: INSTAGRAM @Lex_Fitness | http://www.instagram.com/Lex_Fitness TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/lexonidas CREWCast AUDIO Platforms: iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/crewcast/id1285547324?mt=2 Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/lex-boombaby-griffin CREWCast | EVERYONE IS ON STEROIDS! Staying Motivated Without Them | Lex Fitness https://youtu.be/mMMdf0gvKVM Lex Fitness https://www.youtube.com/user/LexFitness'
Tags: gym , bodybuilding , podcast , tattoos , motorbikes , stay motivated , natty or not , fake natty , steroids , Lex Griffin , Lex Fitness , crewcast , beard life
See also: 30 , vücut geliştirme , punch bag workout , fessier , Faze , dance fitness with Jessica , outdoor workout , Real , MyFitnessPal , gr